Final Words

The P160 has some great features including the tool-less drive bays and expansion slots, the rotating auxiliary module with the integrated simple temperature monitor, as well as the security features that will appeal to almost all enthusiasts out there.

The P160 performed well in our thermal benchmarks, producing an average of 29-30 degrees of ambient heat. With the added 120mm fan at the front, the range of temperatures between 27 and 33 degrees was reached throughout the case. The individual components also ran, on average, 1-2 degrees cooler than those of the past few cases, including the Nemesis series from NZXT as well as the MGE Viper and the Gaming Bomb II from Chenbro.

Even with the added fan, sound performance did not suffer at all. On average, the fans produced about 44-45 decibels with the sealed chassis. The P160 did just as well as the Gaming Bomb II's sound performance.

The external look was also easy on the eyes and we believe that many will accept this model over any of the pre-mod cases that we have reviewed. By far, Chenbro's Gaming Bomb II appealed to us the most with all of the SilverStone cases coming in at second in aesthetics. Though the P160 doesn't have the curves that the Gaming Bomb II had, we are getting exactly what we pay for - we're not dropping over $200 for a case when we can get the P160 for only $125.


Given the combination of features and looks as well as the price for a 1.2mm aluminum chassis, the P160 is a great value for novice users all the way up to the enthusiast class who desire the high quality that Antec can provide. We recommend it over the higher priced aluminum models out there as well as the pre-modded cases that we have looked at in the past.

Benchmarks - Sound
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  • Swaid - Sunday, February 13, 2005 - link

    Now you need to get your hands on the Antec P180!
  • Bonesdad - Sunday, February 13, 2005 - link

    Good looking case...thanks so much for reviewing a case for adults. More, More, More!!!
  • psiclonehi - Monday, August 22, 2016 - link

    Funny thing. I noticed this thread is very old, but I had to put in a word for this case. I still use mine and love it!

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