When Microsoft introduced the Xbox 360, they did so with a complete media blitz - combining their MTV special with their ourcolony.net viral marketing online, not to mention all of the leaks that kept all surfers busy for the past several months.

Over 2000 people wait in line to get into Sony's press conference

Sony's approach is a bit different; they've been extremely quiet about the new platform and their marketing has been kept to a minimum. But don't confuse Sony's quiet demeanor with a lack of things to talk about, in fact, Sony actually had a lot more to talk about than Microsoft...

Introducing the Playstation 3
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  • Yongsta - Monday, May 16, 2005 - link

    "To show off the PlayStation 3's graphical brawn, Sony showed several game demos, including an Unreal 3 tech demo of what appeared to be Unreal Tournament 2007. In what must come as a relief to developers, Epic Games' Tim Sweeney was on hand to vouch for the PS3, saying it was "easy to program for" and that Epic had received its first PS3 hardware two months ago. He proved the tech demo was real time by showing it again and by manipulating the camera and zooming in.

    However, Sweeney's words were only the beginning. Later, Sony trotted out a whole host of publishers that are backing the PlayStation 3. And in the process, it confirmed several games for the console. Hideo Kojima introduced Konami's Metal Gear Solid 4, Capcom showed off Devil May Cry 4, Namco unveiled Tekken 6, Polyphony Digital trotted out Gran Turismo 5, SCEE showed off a brutal section of the next Killzone, and Rockstar Games mentioned that a Grand Theft Auto would be released for the console."

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