Continuing over from their announcements last year in Taiwan (@ Computex 2001) ABIT demonstrated more of their NAS (Network Attached Storage) solutions. Their NAS solutions are based on a P3 system that runs Linux 2.4. The hard drives are controlled through Highpoint IDE controllers, which support RAID 0 and 1 (mirroring and striping). RAID5 functionality is done in software; since the CPU is quite fast compared to the processors of other NAS solutions, this should not be a problem.

ABIT is offering their NAS solution in two versions: One in a 1U 19" rackmount case, and one in a portable minitower case, targeted at SOHO users.

Click to Enlarge

A shot of the 19" version. On this version, the drives are hotswapable; ABIT demonstrated this by removing and replacing one of the HDDs while copying files around on the filesystem. The copying was not interrupted, and as soon as the HD was replaced, the reconstruction began. This can be observed using their proprietary Windows-based monitoring software.


This is the SOHO version of the ABIT's NAS. It looks like the case design was done by hybridizing a Sony Aibo robot dog with an SGI O2 workstation.

ABIT's Server Boards ASUS
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  • Dr AB - Monday, May 11, 2020 - link

    MSI & ASUS - Hmm looks like we are looking at the very start of an interesting era. And yes, Cooler Master. ;)

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