Haswell isn't expected to launch until the beginning of June in desktops and quad-core notebooks, but Intel is beginning to talk performance. Intel used a mobile customer reference board in a desktop chassis featuring Haswell GT3 with embedded DRAM (the fastest Haswell GPU configuration that Intel will ship) and compared it to an ASUS UX15 with on-board NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M. 

Despite the chassis difference, Intel claims it will be able to deliver the same performance from the demo today in an identical UX15 chassis by the time Haswell ships.


The video below shows Dirt 3 running at 1080p on both systems, with identical detail settings (High Quality presets, no AA, vsync off). Intel wouldn't let us report performance numbers, but subjectively the two looked to deliver very similar performance. Note that I confirmed all settings myself and ran both games myself independently of the demo. You can be the judge using the video below:

Intel wouldn't let us confirm clock speeds on Haswell vs. the Core i7 (Ivy Bridge) system, but it claimed that the Haswell part was the immediate successor to its Ivy Bridge comparison point. 

As proof of Haswell's ability to fit in a notebook chassis, it did have another demo using older Haswell silicon running Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 in a notebook chassis. 

Haswell GT3e's performance looked great for processor graphics. I would assume that overall platform power would be reduced since you wouldn't have a discrete GPU inside, however there's also the question of the cost of the solution. I do expect that NVIDIA will continue to drive discrete GPU performance up, but as a solution for some of the thinner/space constrained form factors (think 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display, maybe 11-inch Ultrabook/MacBook Air?) Haswell could be a revolutionary step forward.

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  • TwiSparkle - Wednesday, January 9, 2013 - link

    Asuming that there will be an i5 that ships with the same GPU, and that there is a Surface Pro 2 (or some other piece of hardware that is as compelling) running said i5, I am seriously excited. I want a portable gaming machine that can do more than just 2D/indie games and it looks like I could play Skyrim comfortably on that.
  • althaz - Wednesday, January 9, 2013 - link

    I'm already getting a Surface Pro (once they become available, it fulfills my tablet needs and, more importantly, can run Starcraft 2 and Football Manager), but a ULV i5 with comparable video performance to what is described above would probably get me to upgrade withing a year, if battery life and/or size/weight improves as well.
  • Krysto - Wednesday, January 9, 2013 - link

    You actually think you'll be getting the GT3 GPU in a low-power Surface Pro? GT3 is meant for higher-end, more power-consuming laptops, like those 35W Core i7 laptops.

    A future Surface Pro would use GT1, which is I think 3x weaker, and as TheVerge has noticed, their "low-power CPU" will be a lot weaker, too (sub-1Ghz).

    You're not going to magically get a dual core 1.8 Ghz Haswell with a GT3 GPU in a 7W machine (which would still be too high for mobile consumption anyway).
  • IntelUser2000 - Wednesday, January 9, 2013 - link

    "You actually think you'll be getting the GT3 GPU in a low-power Surface Pro? GT3 is meant for higher-end, more power-consuming laptops, like those 35W Core i7 laptops."

    Yea, you do. Only the quad core and Ultrabook bound ULT parts have GT3. The regular dual cores have GT2, and so does desktop chips.

    But of course, the GT3 in the quad core will be faster than the ULT one.
  • wsw1982 - Thursday, January 10, 2013 - link

    I remember I have read a article from SemiAccurate, which claimed the GT3 running at a slower clock but doubled stream processors of GT2 part, and as a results it consume less power than the GT2 . I am not sure if that was the case. But anyway, the GT650M was kind of high end graphic in 2012. If the the IGP of haswell has a similar performance, I gonna update my laptop. I don't care about touch or ultra light, because I run most of my work in VM and the touch anyway doesn't work, as long as it get a good battery life. I currently could squeeze 6.5 hours out of my lenovo thinkpad w520.
  • MrSpadge - Thursday, January 10, 2013 - link

    I'd rather have it in a Lenovo Helix II.
  • hescominsoon - Wednesday, January 9, 2013 - link

    Until a third party can report the numbers and do their own tests as far as i'm concerned this was two videos and not the actual game engines.
  • Hulk - Wednesday, January 9, 2013 - link

    Do you really think Intel would pull a fast one like that? Why? It's not like they are on the verge of going out of business and they need this or it's all over. I just think the risk/reward on that one doesn't make sense. Especially when they know the results will be verified in a few months.
  • Gc - Wednesday, January 9, 2013 - link

    Risk? Did it hurt them last year?
    If anything, it gave them more press attention, at least on enthusiast sites that like to point out such things.
  • CeriseCogburn - Thursday, January 10, 2013 - link

    Reviewers can smell these things with how the comany's people act and react, and there are thousands of those interactions and plenty of excited leakers who "drop hints".
    So the answer is, this time it's obviously real.
    I can even smell it reading the review.
    I don't understand how you people are so emotional and negative, and yet cannot pick up on the emo groove of articles from reviewers.

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